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Keith Goddard Interview

Congratulations to our volunteer of the Month: Keith Goddard 


I reached out to Keith when we were asked by the head teacher from Chiswick School if we could coordinate a giving-back cooking club. I thought about Keith because he is a professional chef and a friend and he very kindly said that he could make space in his week to do it.

I feel incredibly grateful for his hard work and dedication when it has come to this group. Using the skills he has learned and sharing them with the students to do things properly and safely. The students even turned up during the teacher's strike, Keith and his team of volunteers were at the school ready to go. Other students who were quite often likely to skip school showed up at Keith’s cooking club too as they didn’t want to miss it. It went on for three terms and now we are piloting it in another school close by. Well done Keith!


Q: How did you first hear about TimeGivers?A: A friend introduced me to TG as well and my daughter doing volunteer work for them as part of her school curriculum. It is a wonderful charity that I will continue to support. I am delighted to have been able to work with TG, helping grow the cooking initiative for kids. We have worked with some amazing children who have inspired us and I hope have been inspired by the power of cooking and teamwork.


Q: Why do you feel it's been important?

A: The teamwork and relationships built with our fellow volunteers are very special and watching the children learn, grow, and inspire each other is wonderful.


Q: Is there a moment that you remember that was particularly special?

A: What makes TimeGivers special? In the turbulent and sometimes inwards looking society our children are growing up in it is extremely important to raise them to do things for others, contribute to their community, and look out for others. TG gives them the chance to do just that.

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